

The useClickOutside hook is designed to detect and respond to clicks outside a specified DOM element. This can be particularly useful for closing modal dialogs, dropdown menus, or resetting state when the user interacts with the rest of your application.


interface UseClickOutsideProps {
  ref: RefObject<HTMLElement>;
  callback: (event: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void;

The UseClickOutsideProps interface requires:

  • ref: A RefObject pointing to the element you want to monitor.
  • callback: A function that will be called whenever a click occurs outside of the referenced element.


To use useClickOutside, pass it a reference to the element you want to monitor and a callback function. The callback will be invoked whenever a user clicks outside of the referenced element.

Here's an example of how to use useClickOutside within a component:

import { useRef } from 'react';
import { useClickOutside } from 'hooked-on-react';
const Dropdown = ({ isOpen, onClose }) => {
  const dropdownRef = useRef(null);
  useClickOutside(dropdownRef, (event) => {
    // If the dropdown is open and the click is outside, close it
    if (isOpen) {
  return (
    <div ref={dropdownRef} className={`dropdown ${isOpen ? 'open' : ''}`}>
      {/* Dropdown content here */}

In this Dropdown component example, useClickOutside is used to detect if a click occurs outside of the dropdown. If the click is outside and the dropdown is open, the onClose function is called, which should close the dropdown.