

The useLocalStorage hook provides an interface to the browser's localStorage API, enabling the persistent storage of state across browser sessions. It allows for the retrieval, updating, and deletion of stored values, with the added benefit of reacting to and handling errors that may occur during localStorage operations.


interface UseLocalStorageReturn<T> {
  storedValue: T | undefined;
  setValue: (value: T | ((val: T | undefined) => T | undefined)) => void;
  deleteValue: () => void;
  error: Error | null;

The UseLocalStorageReturn interface outlines the structure of the object returned by useLocalStorage. It includes:

  • storedValue: The current value retrieved from localStorage.
  • setValue: A function to update the value in localStorage.
  • deleteValue: A function to remove the value from localStorage.
  • error: Captures any errors from localStorage operations.


Below is an example demonstrating how to use useLocalStorage to store, update, and delete user settings.

import { useLocalStorage } from 'hooked-on-react';
const UserSettings = () => {
  const {
    storedValue: settings,
    setValue: setSettings,
    deleteValue: clearSettings,
  } = useLocalStorage('settings', {});
  const updateSettings = (newSettings) => {
    setSettings((prevSettings) => ({ ...prevSettings, ...newSettings }));
  const handleThemeChange = (theme) => {
    updateSettings({ theme });
  const handleClearSettings = () => {
  return (
      <button onClick={() => handleThemeChange('dark')}>Dark Theme</button>
      <button onClick={() => handleThemeChange('light')}>Light Theme</button>
      <button onClick={handleClearSettings}>Clear Settings</button>
      {error && <p>Error: {error.message}</p>}
      {settings && <pre>{JSON.stringify(settings, null, 2)}</pre>}

In this example, settings is used to store and retrieve user preferences such as themes. The updateSettings function demonstrates how to merge new settings into the existing ones, while handleClearSettings showcases the deletion of the stored settings. The example also demonstrates how to handle and display any potential errors that might arise from localStorage operations.